What is MMA, look at todays competitors, would they survive in the street?
A fighter is a fighter. Some have traditional training (I do) some move and groove by instinct and natural ability. The point, to me, is knowing when to pull the trigger, and then, making it count. More importantly knowing when not to pull the trigger.
The greatest fighters I have known (and I haved known a lot), are most often the last to throw down. Why, becuause they know the outcome will not be good nor in the end solve much if anything.
You wanna roll with me, be prepared, you and your friends are going home maimed for life, regardless or what happens to me. As far as I am concerned, nobody wins.
The greatest masters have all taught this principle, martial arts, savate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung FU, Mui Tai, Peugilisim, Samba, Grappleing, TKT, all taught one thing. This is a last resort. (I apologize for any I left out)
I would much rather buy you a beer.