Here, enjoy this, in a commie language, no less!
You've gots lots o time, dontcha bro? Whiling the days away hammering on a computer keyboard (invented by americans) whose signal gets sent by fiber optics (invented by americans) by radio signal (invented by Americans)up to communication sattelites (also invented by Americans) across the internet(invented by americans), as you sit under a lightbulb (invented by Americans) enjoying your good health (innoculations invented by Americans). Why don't you go outside and take you car(invented by Americans) for a spin and listen to the radio (invented by Americans) while driving to an Airport (invented by Americans) to watch the jetliners(invented by Americans) fly by. Or climb out of your mommas basement and microwave (invented by Americans) a HotPocket(invented by americans).
You should be careful about the information you read on Wikipedia, it often has propaganda (invented by Soviets). Just be careful not to get involved in mass genocide/purges (invented by the Russians) while getting hammered on cheap vodka (invented by the Soviets).
Without all these American things, you'd be in some cave somewhere, freezing your butt off in the dark, drinking vodka and planning the mass extinction of any group of people that look a little different than you.
Ronald Reagan "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Mr. Gorbachev "Yes sir, President Reagan sir"
OH that's right, we invented the atomic bomb too. Thanks for reminding me. Had we invented it any earlier, we probably could have prevented Germany's invasion of your communist country. People seem to forget that America saved Russia's butt as well as western Europe from the Krauts.
Let's face it, you have the life you have, the comforts and freedoms because of American ingenuity and the American Soldier. You really should pay my country a tribute.
You can thank my family that fought for your freedom at any time. Seriously, you'd be licking Nazi boot and your flag with have that little swashtika symbol on it had there not have been GI Joe.
Im waiting for a thank you. And while you're at it, please send me half of your cash as a means to pay back America for all the things you owe her.