If you could ask Manny Pacquiao one question, what would you ask him and why?
Y! Philippines Editor
2010-01-20 00:28:44 UTC
Here's your chance to post your question for boxing's pound-for-pound king Manny Pacquiao. We'll choose the best ones and ask Manny to answer them in the Ringside With Manny interviews. Visit Ringside With Manny at and check out the Meme at
309 answers:
2010-01-23 09:04:06 UTC
I will tell Manny this way: Manny, You are a National Hero, and every Filipino is proud of your achievement. You are our inspiration!

Your interest in joining politics will divide the Filipino people inspite of your reason to help the Filipinos. Boxing is what brought you to where you are now! And Politics is not your line, As you experience during the first time you ran for Candidacy for Congressman and lost.

On this Coming Election if you'll loss again because the Filipino People wouldn't like you to be in Politics, WILL YOU STILL PUSH THROUGH YOUR INTEREST IN JOIN AGAIN THE POLITICS at the expense of dividing the Filipino People's interest, instead of uniting the Filipino People Shouting with pride that Manny Paquiao is our Nationa Hero in Boxing! Rather than a Politian having always an Oposition?

The Inner Circle of Manny Pacquiao Must consider this!

Thanks for the Opportunity,

Peter E. Cadorna

Sr. Vice President for Sales

Fil-Estate Network Inc.

Former Boxing Manager

Cadorna Boxing Stable


Luzon Professional Boxing Association


Email Address:

Mobile # 0918-936-1077
2010-01-25 21:44:51 UTC
My question for him is:

With all the blessings bestowed upon you as a boxer and placed you as one of the boxing history's greatest...

"Why do you feel you need to run for a public office? Even if you win the election,don't you think this would affect your reputation and might tarnish your greatness if you failed miserably to perform your duties well as a public servant?"

"Do you presently have enough knowledge to meet the requirements,the intellectual independence and the strength to perform the heavy task at hand"?

MY REASON for asking him this is:

No doubt that Pacman is presently the best boxer in right now...And I am a big fan!

But i doubt his ability running for congress in this coming May 2010 election.

What triggered him to decide to run for a position in a higher office? Can he really perform the task without MUCH HELP from his "assistants","amuyongs"( or whatever you would call it)?

Given,that he has a good heart and a clean intention to serve the public, does he have what it really take to be an effective statesman?

Many popular figures believed that you can help and serve the people without necessarily having a seat in the government. I believe that he could be more effective in assisting his fellowmen as a private citizen. It's hassle free!

I just think that he should take time to learn more about the field that he is pursuing.

I JUST DO NOT WANT A LEGEND TO FALL because of his wrong or prematured decisions.

May the Lord Guide him in his pursuit.

2010-01-22 11:49:50 UTC
Manny, what is your relationship with Freddy Roach, and do you feel the same about him as he obviouly feels toward you. I have been fortunate to be present at two of your Las Vegas fights, the Hatten fight had me a bit nervous, however, you handled that with amazing tact. Freddy feels and reacts to every punch thrown at you or you throw. He is unbeleivable, and I believe helieve you are an unbeatable duo, doe he have a say or the decision maker of the stratergy you both fight. As he reacts as though he is in the ring with you literally, I try to watch him at the same time Im watching you its unreal I can almost tell from him when you are about to wind it up. My question is will you continue to fight should he no longer be with us, or you seperate? Please continue in the vain you have so well delivered to this point your loyalty, honesty. modesty and that of a God fearing man has given so many the means too which they can aspire in the true sense of the word of being a "GOOD MAN". You are a great role model to date and only pray for it to continue. And Im a jew, but know and respect a "GOOD MAN", thanks you have now taken over my admiration for a boxer who has set the way to live, and have the honour, you have earned. Previoulsy an English boxer Al "Tiger" Phillips and an old time English fight promoter Mickey Duff, old aquiantances. I will be returning to the Phils in March on my way to what I hope will be the last place I reside Tacloban, Leyte Id be there now if I could sell my house here In Las vegas. I would be so honoured if my two adopted sons from Borongan could meet you personally. There birth father a surgeon from Taclonban boxed their mother. And I would like a few pointers should I ever get the opportunity to BOX him should he choose a male for a change. I wish you all the very best and Freddy as well, may God continue to bless you and keep you healthy, happy, and safe. With my respect and love........Ron

p.s. I Have been a member of your fan club for sometime and have sent you prior comments.
2010-01-22 06:56:56 UTC
Sir Manny Pacquiao,

First of all, I would like to commend you on your career. Much respect sir! You deserve all the ringside glory. Stay happy and humble. Pinoy pride!


Our beloved Philippines have an emergency that concerns every municipality and hit Saranggani province the worst just a week before your next bout which is to Mayweather which happened to finally ran out of *** reasons and found some balls on sale and got a dozen just in case it starts shrinking again.


Suppose that you have won the congressional seat and the situation calls for legislative assembly. How would you handle this unfortunate event?
2016-04-04 01:18:00 UTC
I am in my 60's and I have never seen a fighter as unique as Pacquaio, not since Sugar Ray Leonard or the Roberto Duran era at least. I think the boxing community is asking Pacquaio something that he does not have to, and that is fight the most dangerous fighters outside Pacquaio's natural weight. When Pacquaio left the Lightweight, he was already automatically the smaller boxer at Junior Welterweight or Welterweight, but he took these challenges because the big fights were above the Lightweight. I still don't consider him a top 20 greatest but he is definitely the best boxer this decade. All his accomplishments are well deserved.
2010-01-22 13:24:32 UTC
Manny if you become a congressman do you think you can do your job as congressman or just only become one of some of politician /congressman there sitting like a sleeping owl? i dont think you can become effective congressman Manny because we all know that to become a lawmaker you must have intellegent and education; lets face Manny you are only born to become a great boxer and nothing else; Look what happened in your movie this show that you are not born to be an actor; remind you that some actress were interested on you because you are popular boxer plus the fact that you are a billionaire but if you only an ordinary boxer do you think they will like you?
2010-01-22 13:42:32 UTC
they talk about the big fights , mayweather , and all the other big well known names , and i am sure oneday they will happen, and manny will get his chance and beat them all , and it will make him look even better as a fighter and as a champion , but wot if a no hoper like me ,that man being me , who knowbody has ever heard of before , would manny be willing to go into the ring with me

would he actually give me that chance, yes of course i will try and win and give it my best shot , but who knows maybe i have a punchers chance , and wouldnt it be the biggest upset ever in the world of boxing , anyone has ever seen .... wot publicity he would get for giving me a chance .. and showing he is such a good sport . well thats my question to manny would he fight a boxer that he has never heard of before , a boxer he never even seen before , forget the mayweathers , the figters who are already known give someone like me a chance , cos i would be willing and game to just try can see me on you tube , type jaycedotcom , i come from a small village , in the countryside , i have trained for many years since i was 9 ,but i just dont know the way to get the fights .. so manny give me a go
2010-01-22 06:19:48 UTC
Hi Manny, i respect you as a great boxer and you are a very likeable guy. I have two questions: 1.What qualifies you to be a politician (i'm sure you can do better than most out there) because you have a heart and I believe you when you are praying. Just curious as to your opinion on what would you change here in Philippines? and ....

2. Can I be the drummer in your band? I am an American drummer living in the Philippines, and I excell at playing drums, Thanks to God, and my love for the craft!

Thanks Mr. Pacquiao, and God Bless !
2010-01-22 22:06:48 UTC
Are you a born again Christian (a truly changed life from above) as a result of your faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST?

Why I asked this seemingly unwarranted question to a Champion? Because Manny is really very religious person, a good man, model, hero & inspiration not only to the Filipino people but to the rest of the world. However, these do not mean that he is saved & will go to heaven eternally. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world but after all loses his own soul?
2010-01-22 03:47:07 UTC
I am a big fan of boxing and Manny Pacquiao, but my question is this , Why not show you are a champion by taking all challenges, to shut Mayweather up do his request for the Olympic drug test just for the chance to get in the ring and shut him up once and for all? Leave nothing to chance and no questions who is the real pound for pound champion!
2010-01-23 01:52:17 UTC
If i were to ask him w/ one question, it's about his intention to run in public office. He has everything already....fame, money, a loving family that i for one would envy and rather wish to be on his shoes. What is it about politics? It's a dangerous playing field especially here in the Philippines. Is it about power (absolute power)? Manny's family will never get hungry here and abroad.....He could put up a business anywhere else in the world and become much much richer. Sometimes people around us would dictate a different tune for self bested interest....they will promise heaven and greed bestowed upon you.....and so the legendary is no longer a legend.
2010-01-22 09:53:01 UTC
1st of all, i'm a BIG Manny Pacquiao fan (& i've been to the Philippines 9 times, i know he's the man over there).. & i've loved boxing for over 20 years.. i would like to ask Manny: "if you are totally without a doubt clean of Performance Enhancing drugs - steriods, then when given the chance to fight Floyd Mayweather for crazy money (25 to 40 million), & prove to the world that you can whip his money-making *** with random drug testing showing you did NOT cheat.. then how could you turn down the opportunity, plus all the money to prove that you are indeed the better fighter.???" Manny's pride would be rewarded in double, by proving he didnt have anything to hide.. plus making crazy money.
2010-01-22 10:23:14 UTC
You've been a multi-millionare since the last seven fights of your boxing career, and that's a truckful of money! But we don't remember a single charity institution that you put up to help your less fortunate countrymen in the Philippines despite your being a catholic "show off" of some sort and not to mention the countless fortunes that you have in your hands right now. Why?

Too much greed for fame, fortune and money is what manifests in you. And as the old saying goes, "charity begins at home". Do you really have it?
2010-01-23 01:19:38 UTC
Dear Manny, While your training, running, strength training, and generally focused on developing your talent, you must have moments that you miss your family, friends, and your mother country. What do you do to keep these thoughts into a positive perspective? Do you ever have moments that you want to just sit down and cry for the ones who mean so much yet are so far away?

2010-01-22 04:25:37 UTC
If given a chance my question would be...Have you cheated to your wife? Why my question could be like this? because we all know than Manny now is a superstar in boxing he is dubbed as a pound -for- pound king. He is a popular boxing icon not only in the Philippines but around the globe. I just want to know if his popularity tempted him to cheat to his wife and the fact that he is earning million dollars. Women gonna find him attractive.
2010-01-23 19:46:27 UTC
If you win as Congressman, will you still continue with your boxing career?

Why this question:

Manny should protect the integrity of the office. While boxing is a decent sport, there is a visual and psychological disconnect between an Honorable Congressman and a prizefighter, no matter how great he is inside the ring. Secondly, how can he risk the office in case he meets an "accident" in one of the fights? If he is badly damaged, then he will not be able to fulfill the tasks his constituents have put on his shoulders.
2010-01-22 07:07:16 UTC

Q. Manny, if jesus appeared to you in a dream and let you decide whether to choose between your BOXING SKILLS and your COUNTRY and Jesus tels you that if you so loved your country and would Want it to be free from Corruption, calamity, famine and crisis, the lord would take it all away for you but for a price! and the price is the Lord will take from you your Boxing skills.

what would be your answer Manny paquiao?

WHY? the reason for my question is to ask a Fellow Warrior like Manny would do if he is to choose what to give up. is it the thing he is good at or the greater good.
Reneski A
2010-01-22 06:28:10 UTC
For many years now, i've been sending less privileged but intelligent kids to college on scholarship because I want to give them the chance to make a difference in their future. Would you be willing to help and contribute financially so i can sustain and continue this program more securely financially?

Why? Bacause my organization is experiencing hard times today and Manny has his billions which can help fill in some funding needs.
2010-01-22 03:56:07 UTC
You're known as the pound-for-pound king you're a professional boxer, my question is this; why would you decide to be a politician? You're not a pro in this field what makes you think that you can help the people by being a politician? You can help in other ways; all the money you won from your fights you could use that to help people don't you think? You can build village for the homeless, a school for children jobs for the unemployed by making more business. I'm sure you have more than enough money to support your family. -----I asked this question to know he can really be trusted in helping the people if he has what it takes.
2010-01-23 08:18:43 UTC
Given this chance to ask the people's champ a question I would gladly ask "For you Mr.Pacman which is harder your fights inside the ring or your fight against the temptations(women) around you?

I made this question just to know how Pacman handle temptations. We all know that he is a rich person now and most women are eyeing him.Of course as a normal guy there are times he'll get tempted.I just wanna know how far can he resist those tempting eve's kind.Is he trying to avoid them? or he just go to bed with any of them anyway, he can give them money after so that they will not make any scandal.
2010-01-22 07:17:47 UTC
Hi Manny, you have proven and will remain in history as one of the greatest boxers that ever lived because of your achievements from the 106 weight to 147 pounds. Certainly by far you have fought all they had asked you to fight and I admire your decision to say no to Mayweather's bullying techniques. But since it is a fight that the people/Filipinos like me want to see you do before you retire, are you willing to go back to the negotiation table to make the fight ? I firmly believe that this will be a fight that will test your resolve and most especially defend our pride as Filipinos from a person like Mayweather. For all your fights I have watched you as a fan of boxing and as your supporter but for Floyd, I feel its personal. Will you be willing to give him the 14 days random drug testing provided that he is to keep the catch weight just to make the fight feasible ? That is if he does not think of another reason just to get out of the fight :)

I ask this questiion because I really feel that Manny has 2 fights left before he retires. I also think that he should retire after this 2 fights for his health and to give time to his family. He is also planning to run for public office and this will get most of his time plus his college degree too. As a fan I want Manny to fight Floyd and as a Filipino I want Manny to kick Floyds butt and to shut him up once and for all. Manny is the best pound-for-pound king because he has risen to that status thru fighting the best in each weight and in a decisive manner (TKO more than decision from the judges).
2010-01-23 08:10:55 UTC
Manny do you think that all the hype Floyd was putting out about you using steroids just a diversion to make you get upset and stop the fight so he can keep his unblemished record and was afraid that it would be shown that his skills as a boxer was rivaled by your determination as the best boxer of our generation?
2010-01-22 12:38:02 UTC
If I were to ask Manny a question I will gonna throw this query to him: If you have the chance to change the world what would it be and how will you do it and why? Why do I wanna ask this? Well, he got lots of guts and fame and maybe power to influence people especially in the sports arena..
Lester Lee
2010-01-22 05:19:18 UTC
Hi Manny, if ever you lose to the elections would you pursue fighting Floyd? I know if you win the elections there is no chance that we can see you fighting again or maybe a slight chance of fighting. I am really not redeemed that you are the best if you can't defeat Floyd :(
2010-01-23 23:46:21 UTC
You are a 7 Division World Champion in Seven Different Weigh Class

If Cotto beats Foreman in 154 pounds and ask you for a rematch in his 154 pounds title would you give him a rematch that would set your record 8 Division World Champion?
2010-01-23 18:27:08 UTC
Money as in manny money is the name of the game in boxing. The ultimate fight need more cash for the fighters and much more to the promoters. My ?: Di ba pwede naka barong ka & amerkana si weather2 while fighting in the ring, for a change lang. More heat, more sweat a test of endurance...thanks
David F
2010-01-23 16:34:41 UTC
Everyone asks why Mayweather is afraid to fight Manny. I think the question is backwards. It looks to me like Manny is afraid of him.There's no way he would refuse a simple drug test except as a way to back out of fighting one of the few people in the world who can beat him.
Pacman Idol
2010-01-23 09:57:43 UTC
What if the Mayweather vs. Pacman is finally set let say this end of the year... and on the weighing day, again it happens, Mayweather is over the catch weight like he deed to Marquez, will you still continue the fight Mayweather even 3-4 pounds over?
The Big 4™
2010-01-25 07:51:09 UTC
Why does Manny Pacquiao want to enter the political world?

Why is it that Manny always praise by the fans live but when theirs Pacquio's movies those fans dont watch it?

What is the relationship between him and Chavit Singson? Is Chavit the resone why Pacquiao wants to enter the politics?

What is the difference between Manny's training to his brother? Why is that he's brother always loosing? Is Manny too greedy that he cant share his secrets to his brother?
2010-01-23 00:18:06 UTC
What is the essence of being a Manny Pacquiao?
2010-02-01 15:42:04 UTC
most probably the question of what his life will be like after he's done in the ring and has hung his gloves (hopefully while the going is good, physically and earnings wise, and while he is at the apex of what he has always dreamed of achieving)...and would he think it a wise move to get into the dirty world of politics- Philippine style. If his purpose is to put that fame and fortune to good humanitarian use then by all means..
2010-01-31 18:34:46 UTC
If I could ask my BRO Manny Pacquiao, This is what Im going to ask him, Are you going to fight Mayweather where there is no title belt is at stake? For money? you are already a millionaire. Mayweather is not worth fighting for.

Founder FAX

Rizal Chapter
2010-01-25 20:28:28 UTC
Who do you think is Manny right now if you don't succeed in Boxing? Manny I know we have no satisfactions, I ask this question is for you to realize that sometimes we need to be grateful to ask for less.
ms. research
2010-01-23 03:24:38 UTC
Why do you want to still run for a position in the government? Though you know you've tried once and didn't win. If you really want to help your fellow Filipinos, you can still do it even you're not a government official. You know how the world of politics run. It's all about MONEY. I bet you don't know it. But as part of being a Filipino, we already know, that because you're now a BILLIONAIRE, they'll only gonna use you for their own will, own goal. So please, WHY? xl
2010-01-22 08:12:03 UTC
Manny, you are always trying to enter politics, are you preferring to make politics as your source of income when you retired? I ask this question because after you retire, your money may not last for long even if it is billions because many will take advantage of you on your lifestyle now.
2010-01-29 17:38:02 UTC
I ask him why he still need to run for politics in the Philippines? Why? He can always help the needy with all his millions without that bl**dy Philippines politics. Also, other politicians only want his popularity to garner votes for this coming May 2010 election and they don't care if he wins or not.
joel e
2010-01-27 19:42:32 UTC
What:how many round do think knockout Mr. Clottey in your next game on march 13, 2010?

Why: To make sure another records in the philippine boxing carer in the history...
2010-01-22 12:36:23 UTC
manny i just want you to preach to the people to go green. well, you are into politics, you can help not only the people but the earth. please have some for the future. GO MANNY, we only live once on this globe. be one of a kind manny. INTRODUCE IT. THANK YOU

P.S. (pakapin sulat) use the wind and the sun... lol
2010-01-22 11:43:33 UTC
Kung magkakaroon ka ng anak kay Krista Ranillo, kikilalanin mo ba sya bilang isang Pacquiao o hindi mo na lang pakikialaman at pasikreto mo na lang susustentuhan? Good luck!
2016-02-19 06:31:25 UTC
The newest issue about Manny Pacquiao is about his belief that homosexuality is a sin. According to him it is in his Bible. My question is not related about homosexuality. My question to him is masturbation a sin? What does his Bible say about masturbation? I hope Manny can read this or somebody relay this question about masturbation to him.
2010-01-23 11:59:32 UTC
I see you as a very brave man as you stand out on the boxing ring. What is your greatest fear and why? How do you overcome this fear if there is any? From Jose Richard (King) Reyes, II from Dumaguete City but now residing in Knapstad, Norway
2010-01-22 23:10:19 UTC
...They consider you as Mike Tyson of this era and during his prime he beats a lot of bigger & taller guys and since Mayweather really awkward fighting you and still claiming he’s greater than you. Would you rather take your last fight (win or lose) with Paul Williams the most avoided fighter in 147lb just to silence all your critics as an ‘all time great’ even if you will no longer fight Mosley or Mayweather?
flora lneneng
2010-01-22 23:06:36 UTC
This would be my question: Why do you have to fight again when you already have the power, the money, you are much more than a celebrity, you have reached the peak of your career, what more do you want? I just couldn't understand why he should fight again when there is nothing more that could be done to achieve for more. He has more than enough in this world. He really should be thankful to God for more than enough blessings that he has received.
2010-01-22 09:54:06 UTC
Manny: Is it possible for you to extend your boxing career even after 2010? The Filipinos still want to see you fight.
Bruce Wade
2010-01-30 17:19:46 UTC
Do you think you should be considered as the greatest fighter of all time?

Or do you considers yourself to be the greatest?

Do you think you should be the only one crowned as the pound-for-pound king and not Mayweather?

What's your boxing secrets?

Why do you want to enter the politics?

You think you can do something for the country to be progressive? What can you do? What laws and rules and platforms will you implement?
Dennis Fritz - Boy B. Cabas-an
2010-01-30 06:33:17 UTC
Are you still going to produce films?

because last 2007, your movie entitled "Anak ng Kumander" was a flop and the recent film "Wapakman" is such a major flop - maybe because of the controversies that is being thrown to you and your other woman, Krista Ranillo
el cantante
2010-01-29 09:28:23 UTC
How does it feel to be the first Philippino to actually be recorded at being good at something? How did you feel when the president of the Philippines gave you a honor medal (for god knows what) for being the biggest thing that has ever came out of the island EVER IN HISTORY?
2010-01-22 12:08:20 UTC
Why do you pursue such a sport, knowing that most boxers have long term physical injuries due to boxing? Is it for the love of the sport or for the love of money? If it is for the love of the sport, would you play without pay?
Your Friend
2010-01-22 09:35:57 UTC
The guy is a hero to a lot of people who can't decide on a good leader. Would he be willing to stake his prestige to spar with an unknown Filipino fighter under his own terms, conventional terms? If he lose, will he be willing to say that a lot of his fans are fools.
2010-01-20 01:53:29 UTC
What is your reaction when a lot of fans in America were dissatisfied with your decisions regarding the blood fiasco?

If Shane Mosley take the test and becomes the first one to do such test, will you follow his lead?

Shane Mosley vs Mayweather, who wins?

If Mayweather beat Shane Mosley who is ranked in the top of welterweight division, do you think Mayweather will become the new number 1 p4p fighter?

If Mayweather gets the vote as the new number 1 p4p fighter by beating Shane Mosley, will you try to take it back by beating Mayweather?

Do you think Clottey poses more threat than Cotto?
Jed D
2010-01-23 07:24:37 UTC
Why do you want to run for politics when in politics, your name can be tarnished? You have already accomplished your goal to bring inspiration to your country and help people without being a politician, in politics, your in control but you and your family's lives are at stake coz of the killings so common in the Philippines..
2010-01-24 00:05:40 UTC
If i were to ask Manny Pacquiao a question i will ask him...Why do you still want to engage in politics despite your fame and success in life. What's your up to in politics POWER?
2010-01-23 07:07:09 UTC
If you are denying that your are not using any performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) to all of your fights... How about using Sexual Enhancement Drugs? Will you feel guilty if they will find you using anyone of these? Just a funny question for you Manny! Keep our flag steady!
2010-01-23 06:50:29 UTC
When can i get my Team Pacquiao jacket signed by Manny PACMAN Pacquiao
2010-01-22 06:28:16 UTC
Good Morning Sir Manny, would you believe that i'm praying and hoping that very soon i will be your REAL ESTATE BROKER here in PAMPANGA especially here in ANGELES CITY?

Because, I believed you're a honest, talented and blessed person in terms of safeguarding your hard earned money.
2010-01-22 15:29:50 UTC
What is the problem with the blood test? It is the same test that is given by the Olympic doctors to make sure that athletes are not using any banned products. Please fight Floyd Mayweather so those of us who believe in you will see that you are the greatest pound for pound fighter in the world. Is this your excuse for not fighting him?
2010-01-22 16:48:41 UTC
hi manny, if you have a choice to live this earth, among the greatest people of the world, to be greatest boxer of all time or become a greatest politician like ninoy aquino of your own country? which one do you prepare for and why?
2010-01-22 04:22:30 UTC
Do we have to blame the officiating priest who wed Manny and Jinkee? When the priest mistakenly and mumbled and said "Put "Krista" in the center of your lives"? Instead of saying Kristo?
2010-01-22 02:36:14 UTC
Why won't you submit yourself to the random blood testing if you believe you're clean?

If your stand is it will weaken you, especially if the test is done 24 hours before the fight, Floyd Mayweather Jr. offered a 14-day no testing window before the fight, giving you a full two weeks to recover whatever it is you want to recover. Why did you turn that down as well?

We Filipinos want to believe your clean but the decisions you've been making tell otherwise.
2010-01-23 18:22:38 UTC
Is there still a possibility for a Pacquiao-Mayweather match on a random blood testing?
2010-01-23 16:39:24 UTC
If you're on a difficult situation of choosing between the two of the most important person in your life, would it Jinkee or Mommy Dionisia?
2010-01-23 10:43:47 UTC
hi manny, is it really necessary for you to pursue a career in politics? the whole country would rather see you serve the people as a private citizen.
2010-01-23 04:49:24 UTC
Why did you walk away from the Mayweather fight? Why did you not take the drug tests?

you walked away from alot of money is the reason you where scared to take the test? I cant see another reason for what happened. I think you should have proven that you dont use drugs to win your fights now we will never know the truth WINNER OR CHEATER???
Chris C
2010-01-22 17:45:42 UTC
Manny, what really are your plans after retiring from Boxing?
mark q
2010-01-22 06:19:17 UTC
You might have reached the highest title in boxing and no one can deny that fact. But do you know that Jesus is coming soon? Are you ready to face the Champion of love? He will come not to defeat you but to bring you in heaven. But do you think you did all what he has commanded you?
Thavaluk F
2010-01-22 05:17:12 UTC
Why would he (Manny) want to run for congress when he has all the fame and money a man could need?
2010-01-22 22:54:25 UTC
do u regret being a Filipino Manny? They just praise u now because your winning and you have the money. What will happen if U lose..
2010-01-22 19:54:12 UTC
Do you think politics is the best way to improve your career as a boxer or you simply want to shift to another career from an athlete to a politician?
Jude C
2010-01-22 07:09:27 UTC
Manny, being a successful boxer with all the fame and richess that you have, what is your ultimate goal in life that you have not achieved yet?
2010-01-22 06:50:49 UTC
Are you really interested in fighting in the 154 division for a chance to get an 8th title in an 8th division?
2010-01-23 17:52:29 UTC
Why are you so eager to enter politics where positions are so temporary and fleeting, when you are doing extraordinarily well and earning exceedingly much in boxing? Don't you think politics will only disturb your focus, diminish your stamina and and make you (God forbid) less ready physically, mentally and emotionally in your coming fights?
2010-01-22 22:40:13 UTC
Manny What is the best blood/breeding of the cocks you have had & why. Sam Kafer Ozamiz City.
2010-01-22 22:36:32 UTC
What personal attributes do you have and/or choices that you decided on for yourself when you were just starting from scratch, that made you such a great winner in the path that you have taken, let alone your strong spiritual faith and successful career?
2010-01-22 18:41:46 UTC
Win or Lose are Clottey fight. Who do you think you will fight next? Let's say Bob Arum give you absolute freedom to choose your next fight, who will you fight? Are you going to fight at 147 lbs or at 140 lbs? Personally I think your best fighting weight is at 140 lbs because you are too small for 147 lbs. You can easily weigh 140 lbs at weight night.

If I may ask another question, if PBF and Shane fight and PBF loses, will you still fight Mayweather? I honestly don't think it will be good for you because he loses already but whats your answer? Or you will fight Mosley then?
2010-01-22 02:44:47 UTC
why he won't fight May Weather Jr and what would be the cause of not fighting him? what would be the ground of avoiding May Weather? does his drug test affects the fight or he is hiding something " Agimat " or " magical power" as superstitious belief?.

why? I need to know if he has a superpower " anting anting in filipino word or just he has the skills to knock out an opponent.
beth m
2010-01-22 15:41:52 UTC
With all the wealth, fame and glory, don't you think it's time to stop, sit back and relax, and enjoy them. Or better yet take care of your finances so it could serve you for the rest of your life. In the history of Filipino boxers, almost all went back to their destitute lives after their rags-to-riches fame.
celeste s
2010-01-22 13:15:02 UTC
Aside from being the best Pound for Pound boxer, what would be your other ultimate achievement in life?
2010-01-22 10:46:38 UTC
If Im not mistaken, you have a kind heart who want to help people especially your countrymen, Knowing that based on your status right now you can easily do that. Now my question is. Why is it that you still need to run for a position in order to help people?
2014-10-09 16:51:52 UTC
would he actually give me that chance, yes of course i will try and win and give it my best shot , but who knows maybe i have a punchers chance , and wouldnt it be the biggest upset ever in the world of boxing , anyone has ever seen .... wot publicity he would get for giving me a chance .. and showing he is such a good sport . well thats my question to manny would he fight a boxer that he has never heard of before , a boxer he never even seen before , forget the mayweathers , the figters who are already known give someone like me a chance , cos i would be willing and game to just try can see me on you tube , type jaycedotcom , i come from a small village , in the countryside , i have trained for many years since i was 9 ,but i just dont know the way to get the fights .. so manny give me a go
2014-06-18 17:29:12 UTC
POLITICS or have only one choice, it cannot be both...which one manny???and why??
2014-05-29 09:05:27 UTC
At this time, so many countries gone from bad to worse, economies went down. At this point of time, it would be great to know if you can share with us how you motivate yourself.
2010-01-26 01:22:41 UTC
If I have a chance to ask manny a question I will ask him "WHY HE NEEDED TO RUN FOR POLITICS? because once he get involve in politics he might ruin his good reputation as THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP!
2010-01-22 18:36:04 UTC
What is your biggest ambition in life that you did not succeed? Because i want to know the biggest frustration of manny.
2010-01-22 05:38:45 UTC
Is Manny afraid of something?
2010-01-22 01:22:18 UTC
hi pound-for-pound Manny Pacquiao, how did you maintain being down to earth despite of headlines wether good news or bad news?
Ms. Cookie chiu
2010-01-27 19:31:45 UTC
I would say and ask?

Hi Manny, thank you for giving us pride and honor. I am one of those who are cheering and praying ofr you. With all the money, business, fame and special treatment to you:





buzzy bee
2010-01-23 19:38:41 UTC
Do you still think of joining the politics? ( While you can serve the country and the people through your own way, without the risk of losing the fund to some hungry wolves. )
2010-01-22 07:46:01 UTC
why do u really insist on joining politics?

many people are just trying to control you without you knowing it...

i think you are better off as a boxer, i mean u can still serve the Filipino people without entering one of the dirtiest business here in the country which is politics...
Alex G
2010-01-22 07:06:26 UTC
Se estado nang iyong buhay ngayon gaano pa ba kahalaga ang pera para sayo? You just turned down a $30M fight. Don't you have any regrets for this?
leonora c
2010-01-22 13:13:01 UTC
Why do you need to look at other women (based from the issues and news) while you got the most wonderful wife in the world- beauty,loyalty,smartness and breeding?
2010-01-22 21:17:03 UTC
Mayweather's suspicion of drug-enhancement is just a democratic speaking-out-his-mind on Manny's power.

Manny, some people close to you saw and rubbed down your "anting-anting"(amulet) imbeded on your right fist, between your thumb and pointer. You call it "ngipin ng kidlat" ('lightning's tooth'). Your father allegedly planted it there when you were a kid. Your secret is out. Can you please elaborate on this?
Akatsuki Wolf
2010-01-22 18:55:12 UTC
Are you deliberately making a good~natured, respectful, happy, simple guy image outside the boxing ring so that everyone watching during your boxing match will be shocked when you EXPLODE? ^^
2010-01-22 15:37:26 UTC
What is your real purpose in running as a congressman? You can help people even you are a civilian if you really wanted to help .People will appreciate your help better if you're not a congressman, what would you do in the congress?
Lawin Marcos
2010-01-22 12:17:17 UTC
You have a very strong determination, you have an above average intelligence although you missed formal education in your early life, you are very hardworking, you are very generous, you are an excellent provider for your family, you seem to be a good entrepreneur so far, you seem to be sexy (hehehe)... what are your weaknesses?
2010-01-28 20:53:00 UTC
why are you interested to participate in politics? its a BIG question for him because he has no background or even experience in terms of politics. boxing is different from politics. in boxing you have a big chance to win with proper training, diet, weight requirements, etc. but in politics is another story. of course he has millions to spend for politics but what about his understanding and knowledge of being a politician, its a big QUESTION MARK. si madam president nga nagka negative result sa survey.
2010-01-26 08:26:00 UTC
Manny, bakit ka takot sa karayom?
Leva Mei
2010-01-23 03:55:38 UTC
Since people are saying that you always win and you won't get a blood test, there are rumors going around that you are an alien. What do you feel about this?
2010-01-22 16:30:55 UTC
Hello, Mr. Pacquio congrats on your achievement's in life. With your status in life now, when your are alone in a very silent environment what comes out first in your mind? Why?
Ex Floyd Fan
2010-01-22 10:32:12 UTC
Why didn't you accept the 14 day drug testing window that the Mayweather's brought up in the negotiation
2010-01-22 10:06:07 UTC
Manny, what do you think of mix martial arts (mma)?

Would you be willing to fight against mix martial artists inside a cage?

Dana White (President of UFC) challenged Floyd to fight one of his guys but Floyd declined.
2010-01-22 05:53:40 UTC
it is common knowledge that you came from a poor family, and being a 7x world boxing champ is not a simple accomplishment. a boxing is different from political nor showbiz world. Why keep involving to both world (showbiz and political)?
2010-01-22 18:07:22 UTC
Of all your achievements made and finacially stable for the rest of your life, Why do you have to enter politics with the possibility of ruining your good reputation?
2010-01-22 04:45:29 UTC
Manny, if you will die right now, with all the money that you have, will you give a portion to Mommy Dionisia?
2010-01-22 04:23:37 UTC
I would ask "Mr. Manny Pacquiao, if you really love our country, why don't you donate your big money to the charity?".
2010-01-22 01:22:00 UTC
For Mr. Paquiao. After all the Achievements, huge Pay-Outs, Fame and Glory for your country. What keeps you playing boxing?
Raymond Aaron
2010-01-28 13:15:12 UTC
what's next after Show me the Manny?

He aint afraid of Floyd Mayweather.....mayweather just too afraid to get beaten up by him
2010-01-24 00:17:40 UTC
Just in case you need to choose between the two profession, which one will you choose

Politics or Boxing?
2010-01-22 23:06:36 UTC
Given you win the public service position as a Congressman of Saranggani, what else have you not done? What else do you want to do?
2010-01-22 19:34:58 UTC
Win or lose in the coming congressional elections, as a payback, will you be committed to bankroll a GRASS-ROOT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM for boxing and up to what extent?
2010-01-22 06:06:12 UTC
If Log 4 (x) = 12, then log 2 (x / 4) is equal to?
2010-01-29 16:01:43 UTC
Is Krista as tight as Ara?

Did Krista let you have the third hole?

Were you drunk when you got with Ara? Her sis is way hotter

Do you you still talk with Ara or Krista?

Do you know Tiger Woods?
2010-01-22 20:09:34 UTC
If you'll be elected as a congressman would you still fight in boxing?

If not, would u search and train yourself a boxer that would replace you who can give honor and pride to our country?
2010-02-02 19:17:14 UTC
We all know that you are a very successful sportsman. But what makes you think that you can also be a great actor, a singer/entertainer and now, a public servant?
Yasmine Senica
2010-01-22 20:55:02 UTC
Throughout your life, what is the value that you have learned through the hardest struggle? Which value have you found that helped you the best in life? What value do you think is the best?
2010-02-01 19:07:18 UTC
If there's no humongous amount of money involved in boxing, would you still like to make a profession out of it?
2010-01-26 08:37:57 UTC
Manny, how much is your net worth as of today?
2010-01-23 17:33:01 UTC
Gaano ba kalakas suntok mo manny? try mo nga sa akin?
Macehualli Moquexquitzahuiani
2010-01-23 12:41:10 UTC
Would you entertain the idea of moving up to 154, possibly even middleweight?
2010-01-22 23:47:54 UTC
Are you satisfy with the governance of Mrs. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo?Yes or No? and why?
2010-01-22 22:33:06 UTC
Do you believe that Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is a corrupt president?
Julius Sanchez
2010-01-22 16:57:28 UTC
Manny, among your opponents so far in your amazing career, who do you think is the toughest? the most difficult opponent defeat?
2010-01-22 16:49:23 UTC
Why Floyd is so much afraid to face-off with you and how will you handle him (if given the chance of facing him) on the ring?
2010-01-22 05:21:07 UTC
Who was the person most responsible for helping you pursue boxing and when did that happen? Good luck and god bless in your future bouts.
2010-01-22 02:15:36 UTC
When is your plan quit in your boxing career? U have nothing to proved in your career all the blessing came up their is with you, 1thing i don't want to see you in the future that you are same with ali (u have money but u cant enjoy it)
Jun L
2010-01-22 01:50:41 UTC
What made you so great and keep getting better?

At this time, so many countries gone from bad to worse, economies went down. At this point of time, it would be great to know if you can share with us how you motivate yourself.

Thank you.
Jimmy Dune Dean
2010-01-28 09:38:10 UTC
Are there moments when you lack confidence?If so how do you deal with those moments what is your strategy to overcome such insecuritiess for example if you have to take on an opponent who is bigger harder puncher ?
2010-01-26 23:22:36 UTC
Would you still pursue your ambition in local politics & do you think you would be a great help to your country, Philippines?

> I'm still curious about his aspirations for his countrymen.
Marcus R
2010-01-23 17:54:31 UTC
We all know that you're great, but how do you prefer to be remembered... as a boxer, as a fighter, as a warrior or as an athlete?

And, I would like to know your visitation hours in wildcard gym... =)
2010-01-21 14:53:21 UTC
You're the top pound for pound boxer right now. But do you rank yourself among the All Time Greats of the sport? If so, are you in the top ten of the ATG list?
2010-02-05 22:55:34 UTC
Why do you want your skull pounded on? Why do you want to pound on someone else's skull? What if you kill him? What if he kills you? Manslaughter charges... end of both careers. Have you no other skills? Big muscles would at least lead you to 'personal trainer' careers!

Please, don't die!
2010-01-23 03:21:04 UTC
Sa dami ng paraan para tumulong sa kagaya mong napakaraming pera, bakit gusto mo pang pasukin ang mundo ng pulitika na alam mong sa sarili mo ay hindi mo linya? Hindi ka nakapag aral para sumagot, tumindig, umakto at mag isip bilang isang mambabatas, ngunit bakit gusto mong maging mambabatas? bakit ayaw mo munang subukang maging municipal o city councilor bilang subok at experience bago mo pasukin ang mataas na pwesto?
2010-01-22 21:12:47 UTC
Boxing or Politics? choose only 1, and why?
2010-01-22 13:46:42 UTC
Do you think, now until March 13 is enough training time to be ready to fight Clottey?
2010-01-22 06:09:39 UTC
How does it feel to see yourself as a playable character in boxing video games?
2010-01-23 07:33:12 UTC
Would you still like to have a fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr. ?
2010-01-22 21:19:50 UTC
Why did you run for congress last elections? I mean, really, why?

Why are you even considering running in the coming elections? I mean, really, why?

They say politics is showbiz for ugly people.. Does that mean you consider yourself ugly?
2010-01-22 09:34:22 UTC
YES or NO : Manny, can you honestly say that you never cheated on your wife, Jinkee?
2010-01-22 05:07:41 UTC
Is it true about you and krista ranillo has a secret relationship? How much money you have now you earned from your boxing career??? Is it billion dollars???

If you answers all my questions, i will review it to my blog and please check it here:
2010-01-22 04:57:06 UTC
sino ang mas mabigat makalaban, si mike tyson o si jinky pacquiao?

congrats manny, more power, GOD Bless always!

pahingi nman balato, hehehe.....
2010-01-30 01:26:41 UTC
How will you apply the lessons you learned in boxing to your political aspirations (and/or life at home)?

2010-01-23 16:54:33 UTC
Why don't you ask mayweather senior to be tested for drugs he's the one with a criminal record involving illegal drugs. He's the addict... that's why he's crazy because of he's drug use in the past.
2010-01-22 05:09:49 UTC
You are rich already. Whe enter the rotten world of politics?
2010-01-28 23:51:35 UTC
Have you lost any teeth in the ring?And have you ever gotten a nosebleed from speaking english?
Alex,one-eyed in the land of the blind.
2010-01-23 17:50:02 UTC
Why are you promoting alcohol advertisements in the Philippines when you have many kids as fans?
2010-01-22 20:32:31 UTC
After everything you've achieved in your amazing career, do you consider yourself the greatest boxer of all time?
2010-01-22 11:11:15 UTC
why do floyd gayweather keep on running away from you? is this a premonition on whats gonna happen on the ring between the two of you?
2010-01-22 02:24:58 UTC
Why a strong man which he says he is in the Philippines,cant or wont have a blood test the same time as Mayweather, are you man or do you take something ? we want to know as you have lost a lot of fans here in the Philippines and in the US...NOW TELL THE TRUTH AS ITS HARD WE KNOW.....
2010-01-23 18:45:15 UTC
You do great as a boxer, but what makes you think you can do the same in politics?
2010-01-23 03:42:06 UTC
If you had a chance to change a career aside from boxing, what it would be? and why?
2010-01-23 02:30:23 UTC
if i have a chance to ask one question to our beloved ring fighter maybe this question is about what he can do or help to those who needs education most probably those who can,t afford to go school...especially to those poor people like us...thanks' and goodluck for your coming fight.
2010-01-22 21:58:43 UTC
What is your main reason why you decided to run in politics? since you have lot of money and you're capable to help our fellow poor countrymen by using your own money.
2010-01-22 18:16:13 UTC
what prayer does manny pacquiao pray because he is so bleessed by this prayer
2010-01-22 02:29:22 UTC
"are you going to retire boxing?"

because i heard that you were going to run in politics in the philippines and retire to boxing... it would be sad to see the pound for pound king retire boxing... considering also that he is a hero to the filipino people....
2010-01-20 13:15:23 UTC
Do you believe Floyd Mayweather Jr. is afraid to fight you?

After just defeating Miguel Cotto and a recent falling out with GBP, do you believe you have enough time to recover and prepare yourself against Joshua Clottey? (i.e. is March 13 too early to fight again?)

What do you think of your next fight against Joshua Clottey? Do you think he is tougher than Cotto?

Who is your favorite boxer of all time?

Congrats on your success and good luck against Clottey.
2010-02-02 13:39:10 UTC
Why did you decide to become a boxer (NOT THE DOG IDIOT CRITICTS)


i would also give him advice that he should never sing in public again

no offense to him
2010-01-31 09:36:39 UTC
Sino iyong girlfriend mo?
2010-01-23 03:03:55 UTC
if Jinky is just your lifelong girlfriend from Gen San and becasue of your fame, many celebrities are now hooking on you, would you break up with her and go for those hot and sexy ladies?
2010-01-22 23:36:25 UTC
Your kabayan idolized you as a boxer, but why is that they treat you as a dirt when it comes to politics & as an actor?
2010-01-22 21:55:22 UTC
Why did you chose Clottey and not Marquez this time? Is it because his defense seem to be like almost Mayweather's? or maybe because his Black like Mayweather?
2010-01-22 19:05:05 UTC
You have many things that a normal person would want, you got lots of money,fame,power. what is the reason you even fight?
2010-01-22 18:32:25 UTC
bakit kailangan mo pang tumakbo sa pulitika kung ang nais mo lang naman ay tumulong sa kapwa?
Karl T
2010-01-22 03:52:06 UTC
Would you consider yourself as great as Muhammad Ali? If not, would you want to be known as equal or even greater than him?
2010-01-22 02:48:34 UTC
The boat is sinking, between Floyd and Clottey, who would you save and who would you punch outta d boat?
2010-01-22 23:02:24 UTC
Why would you destroy your amazing reputation by dirtying your hands with the Philippines' corrupt politics?
2010-01-22 17:29:22 UTC
If you are going to win this fight again, what will you do with your winnings considering that you already have everything one could ask for?
2010-01-22 08:56:21 UTC
Manny if you were at the doors of Heaven and God were to ask you why he should let you in what will you say?

(Admin-Please email me if this question will be answered, thanks!)
2010-01-22 07:43:46 UTC
What signs/events will make you decide to retire?..And aside from politics and music/film what will you be doing after retirement?..
2010-01-22 07:05:58 UTC
What nick name to you prefer pacroids or the peoples juice?

And why do you fight week *** opponents like cotto and clottey?
2010-01-23 08:46:58 UTC
Why not drop you intention to become a politician so as not make division among his/her fans?
2010-01-22 08:47:02 UTC
Dude I just dont know what the heck would you like to find out with your question!!!
2010-02-05 16:33:43 UTC
I would ask him if he is going to continue to fight if he wins the election in the Philippines.
Papa Alpha Oscar
2010-01-27 00:43:57 UTC
just one question?

what is your highest score at SONIC BLAST MAN/REAL PUNCHER?

*screw everything else about Gayweather, Clottey, elections, Jinkee, K.R., etc. i'm sure he's been asked those questions millions of times, all i got to do is Google it*
2010-01-23 03:07:25 UTC
In case somebody else beats floyd mayweather, would you still want to fight mayweather or the guy who beat him?
Vince S
2010-01-25 22:21:49 UTC
What's the deal with Krista?
The Rajon Rondo Show
2010-01-22 06:53:16 UTC
Who is your next opponent after Clottey?
2010-01-22 21:41:09 UTC
if mommy dionesia decided to go to vicky belo or calayan for facelift, noselift or anything... would you escort her and sponsor her expenses?

also, if jinkee decided to have a showbiz career and will have a bed scene with her leading man... would you be aroused, i meant jealous?
2010-01-22 10:31:43 UTC
What runs through your head when you deliver your most devastating blows (finishing blows) to your opponent?
2016-02-16 19:30:18 UTC
I JUST DO NOT WANT A LEGEND TO FALL because of his wrong or prematured decisions.
2010-01-27 20:56:00 UTC
What's the real big deal about the drugtesting?
Ask no ONE
2010-01-23 13:50:14 UTC
Why would you run for a congressman compare to be a boxer?
trileg traveler
2010-01-22 19:59:35 UTC
I will ask him if he has anting-anting, because i noticed that every match that he fought, he always has his rosary beads and he pray's in the corner.
2010-02-08 22:42:34 UTC
Politician, Boxer, or Actor

What do you really like??
amazon dot com buyer...
2010-01-31 22:32:58 UTC
how did you do 2 saturday nights ago when i saw you playing poker at the commerce casino?
2010-01-29 22:25:31 UTC
Who is the women in your car when you guest on Jimmy?
2010-01-23 00:51:48 UTC
jinkee vs krista, who would win?

if you were to have another baby, would you combine manny & jinkee together to come up with mankee???
2010-01-22 22:28:26 UTC
you have fought many fantastic fought. for u right now

which do u think is ur best round with knock or hit why ?
2010-01-22 16:01:16 UTC
would you go for an 8th world championship on a different weight division?
2010-01-25 09:23:49 UTC
whats the hardest challenger youve ever fought and what was the skill that was giving you trouble
2010-01-22 02:11:08 UTC
Between Mommy Dionesia and wife Jinky, who would you choose in case you need to save only one? I would ask him this question to know who is closest to his heart.
2010-01-28 14:14:40 UTC
For the record, will you fight Floyd Maywether?
2010-02-08 14:01:40 UTC
Are you going to knock out the next fighter ????
2010-01-22 05:23:31 UTC
Do you get nervous at all evertime you enter the ring?
2010-01-22 01:49:14 UTC
Are you better off as a boxer or as a politician?
2010-02-06 14:46:11 UTC
What can you do in congress? Do you know anything about the Law?
2010-02-05 02:51:23 UTC
What makes you believe people want to hear you sing?
2010-02-02 14:14:27 UTC
What inspires you to become a great boxer?
2010-01-23 01:47:02 UTC
why are you dying to run for public office, is politics the only way to help people?
2010-01-23 21:44:14 UTC
what is on your mind regarding the allegations of floyd mayweather sr, accusing you of using supplements and what can you say about him?
chris bacs
2010-01-23 04:55:17 UTC
If you are not a boxer today, what do you think will you be (or your profession is) at present time?
2010-01-22 20:20:23 UTC
other than boxing, what sports do you play?

any diet regimen and workout you can suggest?


I'm a big fan of yours!

Marvin Tang
2010-01-22 15:44:15 UTC
Why run in the elections?
2010-02-03 14:29:29 UTC
Have you ever thought about fighting in MMA?
2010-01-23 17:55:21 UTC
Will you fight a Thai boxer in the future? If not, why?
rhodel corteza
2010-01-22 22:33:06 UTC
manny, kung papilion ka, sa imo career, babae or sa imo pamilya, unsa imo pilion...?
jayupi m
2010-01-22 06:56:31 UTC
aside of boxing, what do you think is the sport the you can also be the greatest?
2010-01-31 07:09:16 UTC
What influenced you to become a boxer?
2010-01-22 18:15:55 UTC
when are you going for the world title?
2010-01-22 15:29:24 UTC
What has been the biggest challenge you've faced so far?
2010-01-26 21:49:47 UTC
Aside from boxing, what sports do you have?
henrito j
2010-01-23 18:47:05 UTC
Who do you think could match fighting with you in your heydays?
2010-01-23 18:37:53 UTC
Is your faith to GOD your secret to winning each fight?

Because before and after each fight you pray whole heartedly.
2010-01-22 16:36:14 UTC
Can you go to another division, like heavyweight?
2010-01-22 06:04:46 UTC
why do need to seek political career when you are already powerful in your own right?
2010-01-22 03:56:07 UTC
2010-01-22 05:45:58 UTC
it is true that you have a dwarf friend? they give you super power when you have a fight? if its true your so lucky! ara mina, krista ranillo, valeri conception wow! so lucky your my idol....billioner lots of chicks!
2010-02-01 17:52:30 UTC
What is wrong with Floyd
2010-01-23 10:45:23 UTC
Why run for congress, when you can be an excellent PHILIPPINE SPORTS COMMISSION Chairman..?
2010-01-23 08:59:47 UTC
there is no reason why you should not submit to the olympic style drug testing why are you reluctant to do so
2010-01-22 19:35:59 UTC
What is the one thing that you are most scared of?
2010-01-22 15:27:06 UTC
given your fame and glory, how would you help other Filipino boxers attain such level of success and fame?
2010-01-22 04:45:16 UTC
if you beat floyd mayweather would you feel retiring from boxing
2010-01-21 07:59:08 UTC
Do you even see yourself fighting Mayweather in the future?
I Love Lamp
2010-01-26 08:57:24 UTC
Why didn't you just take the blood test?
2010-01-25 23:08:45 UTC
will you provide financial assistance to someone you barely know? i want to know how far can he trust somebody he just met.
bubbling coffee
2010-01-25 04:46:51 UTC
is the rumor about you and Krista Ranillo really TRUE?
2010-01-23 08:49:12 UTC
Is their a time that you feel scared of you oponent?
2010-01-22 02:14:55 UTC
what is your advantage and plan to win over clottey?

after clottey who's next?
2010-01-20 05:03:36 UTC
if im asking the question:

Manny you've beaten the great boxers, sealed your name in history and known to be the greatest boxer of the 21st century... do we expect more to come from our pound for pound king? whats your plan in the future in terms of boxing?
2010-01-20 01:00:35 UTC
Who would win, Ara Mina vs Krista?

Manny's been KD by these hot gals. He's out cold. He cant survive more than 3 rounds against these hot babes.
2010-01-23 04:41:08 UTC
5(-3x - 2) - (x - 3) = -4(4x + 5) + 13
2010-01-23 09:18:28 UTC
if you're single, who would you marry? Jinky, Ara or Krista?
2010-01-22 17:34:44 UTC
ARA or KRISTA? I'm sure its ARA, she's more meatier pound for pound.
2010-01-22 07:25:42 UTC
why did you refuse to take the type of exam mayfuckingwether askd you to do?? and why are you so afraid to do it?? do you really ues PED's??
2010-01-22 01:37:27 UTC
Who do you think will win? Floyd Sr. or Freddie?
2010-01-22 01:15:10 UTC
if you were to choose, POLITICS or have only one choice, it cannot be both...which one manny???and why??
Vanilla ice cream
2010-01-24 00:09:24 UTC
What kind of luxury you can't live without?
2010-01-22 17:56:07 UTC
who is hotter, ARA MINA or Krista Ranillo?
2010-01-30 01:53:21 UTC
What do you say to God before and after your fight?
That's it!
2010-01-23 03:19:11 UTC
Who are the people in your neighborhood? in your neighborhood? in your neighborhood?

Yes, who are the people in your neighborhood?

the people that you meet each day?

2010-01-22 17:18:50 UTC
what can you say to those people who are saying that you are very ugly? and you are the ugliest boxer of all time!
2010-01-22 16:46:00 UTC
paquiao beats all the enemy because he has a blood a real fighter...
2010-01-22 12:13:59 UTC
why run for public office? If you really want to help, you can do it anyways...
2010-01-22 06:34:16 UTC
mastah em
2010-01-22 04:54:01 UTC
Did manny count and remember every **** he fucked? =))
2010-01-23 23:05:50 UTC
Which do you fight for; fame, money, country or history?
2010-01-22 18:26:07 UTC
who's next after clottey? or retire?
2010-01-23 20:03:46 UTC
what is the secret for your confidence during fights, what is your mentality when you are fighting?
2010-01-22 15:32:51 UTC
if your not into boxing and have all those prestige in the world "WHO ARE YOU NOW"?
2010-01-22 10:56:02 UTC
how much money have you already earned as a boxer?
Junah Joy
2010-01-22 05:18:56 UTC
How will you explain this quotation?..."Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth." and do you believe on this? why or why not?
2010-01-23 00:14:52 UTC
why you didn't agree with the olympic style drug test?

it wont hurt you anyway.
2010-02-05 17:31:19 UTC
id ask him how do you kick ***.

and could you teach me.

ha hilarious
2010-01-28 03:27:22 UTC
what make you chose boxing as your career?
gerry x
2010-01-22 13:17:23 UTC
you cant win in politics and showbiz why keep on trying it?
2010-01-22 08:35:42 UTC
aside from your billions,why are sexy stars going gaga over you?
ricky g
2010-01-22 06:46:17 UTC
when will you stop boxing? if you get beaten in your next fight, will you retire?
2010-01-22 02:23:37 UTC
manny,why head&shoulders?*_*
2010-01-26 12:58:34 UTC
I know... You know... Drenk yor melk perst!
2010-01-23 23:19:47 UTC
How bout MMA?
2010-01-22 05:53:59 UTC
You think you'll go to heaven?
2010-01-22 00:53:24 UTC
Once and for all, for the record, did you really have an affair with Krista?
2010-02-08 09:59:19 UTC
When he will fight me. We all know I will win.
2010-01-31 06:15:14 UTC

.niotseuq siht rewsna
2010-01-25 20:52:28 UTC
Ilan chicks mo? ^_^
2010-01-22 15:17:05 UTC
do you really believe in god?

do you know what he wants
2010-01-21 00:11:18 UTC
How far up the weight class do you feel you can compete?
Rad B
2010-01-20 02:23:24 UTC
Who's next after Krista?
2010-01-31 11:09:53 UTC
2010-01-22 12:49:06 UTC
why don't you stop boxing?

life is only one.
2010-01-22 07:34:10 UTC
do you have big ****?? some people says that if you are small person it means you have a big ****... its that true?? and did krista taste your ****?? hahahah..LOL
2010-02-08 10:36:06 UTC
would you ever ***** out to fight a mma fighter?
2010-01-31 22:03:38 UTC
who are you?
2010-01-22 02:28:32 UTC
Will you Fight badWeather soon?

(we) are waiting to beat Flloyd! :)
2010-01-23 09:39:23 UTC
why dont you want to take a drug test?
2010-01-22 17:19:09 UTC
if you win the fight, this march, how will say to your kabayans?
2010-01-22 04:45:09 UTC
2010-01-23 22:21:41 UTC
can you help me with financial dept?
2010-01-23 03:09:03 UTC
Bro, why do you have to join POLITICS?
mack m
2010-01-22 21:38:45 UTC
which of these gals is much more expensive

2010-01-22 20:02:01 UTC
If you were to choose, who would you want to fight and why would you want to fight that boxer? (Please give a specific boxers name)
2010-01-22 00:44:06 UTC
Why don't you fight shane mosley after clottey?
2010-01-20 03:03:43 UTC
Why do you think Mayweather should not be considered a pound for pound king?
2010-01-23 09:23:05 UTC
puwede pa-utang?
2010-01-23 23:52:37 UTC
why enter Politics...??
2010-01-26 20:17:31 UTC
Are you awesome?
2010-01-22 08:13:01 UTC
puwede pahinging pera...?
2010-01-22 04:48:07 UTC
what kind of human u are?
[ Aiza^ ]
2010-01-20 04:28:19 UTC
Who do you think is the boxer who can BEAT you?
2010-01-30 03:08:49 UTC
Can you see straight???

2010-02-01 09:28:14 UTC
Are you gay or just a homo?
Lelouch L
2010-01-20 01:33:08 UTC
If you have to redirect one thing in your life in the past, what would it be?
2010-01-23 07:21:14 UTC
why don't you shave your thick mustache?
meny pekyaw
2010-01-22 05:23:44 UTC
why do you sing ba?
Kahlil J
2010-01-20 03:43:30 UTC
Why did you, Manny Pacquiao, not insist on testing Floyd for xylocaine? USADA does not test for xylocaine but this is banned by NSAC.

Back in 2007 Floyd's use of xylocaine (or lidocaine) has been questioned by Hatton and was worried that USADA protocols does not test for xylocaine.

That's why Floyd insists on USADA protocols-- it's not about the blood.


The issue here in Las Vegas has been whether or not lidocaine was permissible. The drug is not on the banned list of the World AntiDoping Agency (Wada), yet it has been ruled illegal by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC), under whose authority the contest is being run.

The Hattons’ concern was that, although NSAC bans the drug, if the urine samples that the boxers are obliged to give afterwards were sent to a Wada-accredited laboratory, then lidocaine might not be tested for.

At the bout organisational meeting run by NSAC on Wednesday morning, Gareth Williams, Hatton’s lawyer, asked Keith Kizer, the NSAC executive director, if lidocaine would be tested for.

“We’d all seen the stories about Mayweather’s hands and we had heard rumours that he uses lidocaine,” Williams said. “So we just wanted to make sure that they complied with the rules and that it would be tested for.”

The request did not go down well with John Hornewer, Mayweather’s attorney. Williams said: “He responded by saying: ‘Well, what about grappling?’ I quite facetiously responded: ‘I didn’t think you could test for that.’” Kizer confirmed yesterday that lidocaine is banned for use by boxers within a week of a bout. “If lidocaine is injected,” he said, “the pain receptors in the boxer may not work and he may not know if he is hurt.” He also confirmed that lidocaine would be tested for after the bout, at the Quest Diagnostics laboratory in the city.

Mayweather’s hand problems have been long documented but they resurfaced a fortnight ago in an edition of the 24/7 television documentary that showed the boxer having a wax paraffin treatment and quietly acknowledging the issue.


xylocaine is lidocaine:

floyd is a known user of xylocaine. as he admits it himself.

floyd uses xylocaine, a banned substance by NSAC for fights in Nevada.

the WADA prohibited list (check it for yourself; look for xylocaine or lidocaine):

roach is not worried that floyd uses xylocaine. roach does not think it's a PED. roach used it himself because he breaks his hands before. he also says that he knows roger uses it in every fight for floyd since roach used it himself.
2010-01-20 02:02:46 UTC
Which tastes better, jollibee spicy hot chicken or kenducky floyd chicken?
2010-01-22 20:27:09 UTC
if you will die tomorrow, why not today?
Dee ®
2010-01-20 04:31:52 UTC
What can you say about your singing career? ;)
2010-01-31 20:23:39 UTC
what he do with all his money?
2010-01-22 03:02:19 UTC
why you are so ma-appeal?
2010-01-20 01:29:05 UTC
y won't you ducked any fighter? why are you so brave in taking bigger guys, not like some self-proclaimed black.....?
2010-01-23 01:18:01 UTC
Why so many girls???
2010-01-22 16:41:40 UTC
why are you so damn ugly?
2010-01-23 16:11:15 UTC
2010-01-20 00:46:34 UTC
Why Floyd Mayweather is afraid in fighting you?
2010-02-08 03:17:24 UTC
Robert V
2010-01-20 08:33:40 UTC
Who his drug supplier is.
2010-01-22 09:15:39 UTC
Manny, please spell Schekoslovakia.
2010-01-23 00:29:58 UTC
who are you...... idk u
2010-01-20 00:36:35 UTC
Why are you afraid of Money Mayweather?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.