Well sean g said i have slant eyes ( i dont know if its because im asian ) ... I mean when you say slant and asian thats bullying right? It happened on facebook he told me something like ( i have slant eyes on mauweather ).
Kenny attack not race.but nationality making fun of greeks and filipinos even saying brother love is an urologist that loves private parts of men.... Im really thinking that kenny is really a gay .... He likes to remind me of my nipples everytime plus he dont like porn wtf right boxing section and being a soft coc doesnt really mesh well
Its thugs birthday maybe you can grant him his cyberdate
HAHa dumped
@sean g
Maybe you just forgot about it but you definitly said something " slant " too bad i dont have a screenshot but if you can backtrack it on facebook you will see that you definitly said something slant..... Im even asking you there why you havent accepted my friend request.... Maybe you forgot
about it too....
Kenny attack kiz attack kiz all the time for no reason
@ sean g
I hate liars too ......and i really can remmember you said that too bad im block on that facebook page .... Keep lying you never said that there will be war bwahahaha
Look at sean g manipulating you on picking a side sean g has double standards
@sean g
you are paranoid you know that? didnt it occur to you that i really wanted to be friends on facebook with no malice at all? i mean if i wanted to get a picture of you i can without you approving my friend request and to think vino told me you really was a nice guy .... well maybe he lied to me huh
and i have more brain memory cells than you because im younger didnt it occur to you that you having less memory cells in the brain makes you forget what you said to me?
this is kenny attacking kiz
dont buy that PACMAN is really a pacquiao fan.... he is a flomo in disguise..
@sean g
Lolz " icounter punch '" .... Well you are good at ducking too just like floyd lolz i know you saw that question where i mention your name as to why you aint celebrating mayweathers 40 hour com service ... You paranoid and has double standards
funny too that you aint calling me nipples huh .... playing the good guy are we? lolz you aint foolin anybody
maybe because i didnt answer that question