Pacfans, I never saw both Sean G or Kenny said racist stuff towards Filipinos, can you give me a link?
2011-11-12 06:43:29 UTC
As you know I've been here in the boxing forum for a while, I started as early as the others who are already on the top 10. There are many Pacfans that are super nice to me and I consider friends like vino,JON, k!z, Odlanyer, Killa, jhnplezz, Joshua Mbngo, nepster, Badajoz, Ragdefender, Galactus, who would win, and others. But I also get along well and I consider Mayweather fans such as Jose Martinez, americasfavoritethug, Sean G,Kenny, Normen Bates, STICK AND MOVE, HT, and many others as friends.

I hate to take side on any of this but I have seen what had happened to Jose Martinez no longer contributing as much when he had his beef with Pacfans and JON and blogbaba who were brilliant contributors now permanently gone. I dont want that to happen to Sean G or Kenny who has been being ganged on by 20+ Pacfans all at the same time!Honestly, I never saw a single racist comment from either attacking Filipinos and I have never seen them say Pacquiao is on steroids. But now a lot of Pacfans are calling them racist when in fact I don't think it has been proven since no one can ever provide a link.

Again it seem like I am taking side but I am not. I heavily dislike Mayweather as a person and I blame 70 percent on him why the fight hasn't happen. I simply cannot be a fan of a racist person or a criminal who beats up women, but I admire Mayweather as an athlete so before any Pacfans say I'm a Flomo please read what I just said!
Thirteen answers:
Alex L
2011-11-12 07:34:59 UTC
its a lost cause cathee. you remember JP, the old school killa from manila, khalil j and kapre and nick da quick?? lol a crazy combination, whew i remember those days lol. as much we all argue there should be no love lost, i doubt any of us would do anything to eachother if we confronted one another, we have adults and kids on here.... lets just continue to do what we do and just talk boxing and ignore the racist questions, i mean if we seriously just dont answer the racist questions then it should stop.... that easy.... sean g, JON, jose martinez , ragedefender etc have the discipline to ignore, possibly cuz they are adults and the ones doing the flaming are just teens.... im 23, been here for a minute, i dont really get into it with these guys cuz theyre just teenagers, i remember when i was that age and thought only my beliefs mattered.... cuidate.... vamos marquez!!!!!!! rompele la cara a pacquiao!
2011-11-12 17:26:27 UTC
Cathee now you know how Pactards are. Did you see how PACMAN disrespected you and your gender for no apparent reason. You've never attacked anybody and you've never taken the side of either Pacquaio or Mayweather fans but Pacfans hates people that are neutral they just want people to side with them and that's it. I believe you are a woman and never will I ever disrespect you. You have been nice all the time and you never really called out anybody. I respect that. We in the forum backs you up, you have been here for years and these Pacfans who attack your gender and later they will also attack your race as they have attack mine.

I have never ever said anything racist towards Filipinos. I never accused Pacquaio of steroids because i think when Mayweather Sr. came out with those accusations, i knew it was a lie. Like you, I am being slandered by Pacfans but guess what they can give you all the links like what jhnplezz is doing but none will ever show I am racially attacking Filipinos. I was raised better than that. All of this stuff is designed to make me look bad because no.1 I am black and no.2 I am a Mayweather fan. In truth I have condemned Mayweather so many times when he came out with those racist rants but I never gotten any credit. That is the link that jhnplezz would never post. These are the links me condemning Mayweather and defending Filipino people:

In Jose Martinez question, there were 30 answers and I got the best answer and in JON's question there were 46 answers and I got the best answer. Both the askers understood that even as a Mayweather fan I am willing to condemn racism, that's why both picked me as the BA.

Edit:@jhnplezz, I am like anybody I have my days were I feel like joking around and I have my days which I feel like being serious. Everyone has those days. You know you and me have been cool and this is all for fun, all I am saying is that its wrong for the other Pacfans to call me racist when I have never said anything bad about Filipinos. By the way, how come I never gotten any credit from Pacfans like yourself or Killa when I defended Filipinos and condemned Mayweather in those two links I provided?
2011-11-12 19:41:30 UTC
The thing about kenny is, he is careful not to be explicitly racist but he constantly calls out people just for being a Pacfan or Asian/Filipino. He even called me a Pactard lol. Or how he constantly calls out kiz, who is a good user but happens to be Filipino and a Pacfan. He calls kiz an *** kisser, then Pac Chiavelli comes along and says the same thing. Coincidence?

Example, he posts stuff like:

"little boys" is a subtle stereotypical jab, and then he says Pacfans are evil and will go to hell. LOL.

Another example, I don't have a link but jhnplezz said he was a Filipino of Chinese descent and kenny said he was lying, that there were no Chinese people in the Philippines. That's like telling a black person he's not an American because most Americans are white. Also he called out kiz a couple of times for asking questions about Filipinos, but that's hypocritical because he has his own questions like "African Americans, do you support Herman Cain?"

However I don't have a problem with Sean G. He is a stalwart Mayweather fan but a good user and respects others. Mayweather fans like Sean, Jose, Stick and Move are good users. Kenny, ameriasfavoritethug, Jeff Soriano, etc. are flomos.
2011-11-12 17:00:43 UTC
No, Sean G never posted anything racial in content. This person is more than what we think he is. He is receiving a lot of heat because of his preference but to let it affect our judgment is something that can not be accepted and justified. Kenny sometimes was posting some borderline irritating questions and answers but like I said, it is not enough for us to forget who we are. By the way, who among us doesn't, direct or indirect. Somehow, sometimes we were having blinded intention and motive in posting and answering questions but civil enough to hide whatever intention we have. Sarcasm exposed that.

I am amused by the kind of treatment you were getting Babe. Gender never represent respect. I knew that you were a strong woman otherwise you will be long been gone, Stay strong please. We appreciate your contributions and thanks.
Sean G
2011-11-12 15:00:00 UTC
jhnplezz is a liar! That never happened. I said something about his avatar's eyes, but it had nothing to do with slants. His avatar wasn't even an asian person.

Cathee, no one will never provide you a link where i expressed racism against anyone, because it never happened. I love and have friends (and in some cases) family of all races. I am a boxing fan who likes Mayweather and thinks it's crazy how people here let their hate blind them from seeing how special a fighter this is. I like many other fighters though. I am a BOXING fan...not a BOXER fan. I think some people here hold every Mayweather fan responsible for Floyd's racial rant. They say if he did that and you support him you are racist too. Poor logic. Just as you said (which hasn't been proven), if Mayweather did assault his children's mother, you respect the boxer...not the abuser. Intelligent people can make the distinction.

I have to disagree with you about the 70% idea. I have said all along Manny is somewhat responsible. Floyd is somewhat responsible. But, who is 75% responsible is Bob Arum. Floyd just said he wants Manny. Manny said he is ready. Arum says the fight will never happen. He is the problem.

The only thing I am guilty of is being a Mayweather fan. I am not racist. I not any of the other things I have been called here.

EDIT: I did not accept your friend request because you don't behave like a friend. My wife and children's pictures are on my Facebook and they were already hacked and used here in a fake "Sean G" account. I don't know you and based on the lies and accusations you state here about me...the questions really is why would I accept a Facebook friend request from you? I have accepted several people who treat me with respect and as a friend.

EDIT #2: Cathee, I should have warned you. To even raise a question that challenged the behavior of these people you are inviting thier wrath. So now, you are on the list.

EDIT #3: If I am racist against Filipinos because of my criticism of Pacquiao, can someone explain my support for Nonito Donaire (a Filipino fighter)? vino says I am nice because I am nice to him, and he is nice to me. For those who come at me...I counter punch.
2011-11-12 14:51:54 UTC
Pactards get defensive when they are questioned. A pactard will answer this question and you will see how defensive they are when questioned.

I agree with some of what you say, I respect Pacquiao fans such as k!z, JON, etc, and I like Pacquiao, but the trolls are defensive and illogical, they will derail from this thread.

I can question Pacquiao if I want to, and other great contributors may have left, but no Pactard will get rid of me. Watch them answer and derail from the fan.

Also, Mayweather fans can be bad, but they only retalitae towards racist trolls. Pacquiao trolls started this.
Killa from Manila (2nd Account)
2011-11-12 15:29:40 UTC
Cathee I see your point. I have seen you said many times before you think Mayweather will beat Pacquaio and that is fine with me. The forum respects you. PACMAN and Unknown One are @ssholes. Most Filipinos or African Americans do not support what they are saying. I don't care if they are blacks or Filipinos, they have crossed over board and fck both!

I will be completely honest here. I cannot give you any links of Sean G or Kenny saying racist stuff because I don't think they have said a racist attack but both have shown tremendous bias for their ethnicities or nationalities but who hasn't really in the forum? However, Sean G is the fairer person who recognizes people based on their merit not by their race. Sean G sometimes is blinded too with supporting Mayweather when he shold be condemning all his racial rants and steroid accusation and insult to Filipinos. At the same time he brings more professionalsm and he is really an obvious college educated person.

Now with Kenny, unlike others who thinks all Filipino Pacquiao fans aren't good contributors. I have never seen Kenny as per say literally saying racist stuff towards Filipinos, he only attacks Pactards. but at the same time I do see Kenny as somewhat of a black supremacist who holds black boxers in high regard but he throws insults at Asian boxers. He is definitely bias but again, I have never seen him say racist stuff towards Filipinos. That's my own honest answer and I tried to be unbiased as much as possible.

Edit: @PACMAN, both of us are Filipinos and I can honestly say you are an @$$hole! You don't talk to a woman like that. Do you have proof she is a guy with hairy balls? We know Cathee more than we know you, she's been a contributor here for years. This is my second account, my original account was since 2008-2009. So STFU. You are embarassing us Filipinos with your digusting behavior. Fck off.

@PACMAN, where is the part which I said I am a goody too shoes type. Fck yeah I get into it with black supremacists and I don't backtrack! What is your point? Did I say I am neutral? I never fckin say that, all I am saying is you are disrespectful to a woman. Why would I want to get into her pants when you said yourself she has hairyballs but now you are saying I want pu$$Y? I don't get you. Fck off prick!

Yeah good one post a link of what I said because my Q&A is open and yours is in private. I am a realist even if people hate me for it, I don't hide unlike you.
2011-11-12 21:08:49 UTC
Sean G and Kenny have class, Pactards are stupid, PACMAN's answer is so stupid that it's so funny and I am literally ROFLMAO, and also compare the "Flomos" as they call them to the Pactards. Compare a "Flomo" to a Pactard. "Flomo": "Mayweather fought DLH, Mosley, blah blah, before Pacquiao and fought them in better shape and at a better weight." Pactard(PACMAN): "MAYWEATHER IS A F*CKING PUSSY AS SH*T N*GGER B*TCH F*CK D*CK I HATE HIM PACMAN IS THE BEST OF ALL F*CKING TIME!!!!!!!" That's the difference! A so called Flomo has class and won't curse at every sentence but Pactards here the word Floyd and all we hear is duck duck duck, pussy pussy pussy, chicken chicken chicken and I'm tired of it. Just look at what Pacman said. He just insulted you of your gender and did you even say a word to him?
2011-11-12 15:19:38 UTC
cathee, i am a pacfan, or maybe a pactard sean g. is a nice contributor but there are a times he tends to lift up floyd and down manny pacquiao, i cant give you a link in truth i never post a link here in yahoo answers. i dont consider it a racist either. but i consider it as homos act,. that is the truth cathee nothing i will boost of myself.
2011-11-12 14:51:09 UTC
In the short time I have been in this forum Kenny has attacked Jews, Filipinos, Asians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Brits and pretty much every non black group of people there is. You must be blind not to notice his evil and racist agenda.

On the other hand, Sean G seems to be racist only against Asians and whites, he has never said anything bad against Jews, so I can't say that he's really that evil.
2011-11-12 16:35:10 UTC
All i have to say is this forum is getting ugly ,so we need more faces like yours around to keep it pretty ,ill break you down yet ,woman.
Elephant in the Room
2011-11-12 15:13:22 UTC
Who do you think you are, Martin Luther King? All you do is stir up racist arguments with your useless documentaries. You cannot solve the race problem so just stop with all of this bleeding heart bs. thank you
jhnplezz pachater killer
2011-11-12 14:47:44 UTC
Well sean g said i have slant eyes ( i dont know if its because im asian ) ... I mean when you say slant and asian thats bullying right? It happened on facebook he told me something like ( i have slant eyes on mauweather ).

Kenny attack not race.but nationality making fun of greeks and filipinos even saying brother love is an urologist that loves private parts of men.... Im really thinking that kenny is really a gay .... He likes to remind me of my nipples everytime plus he dont like porn wtf right boxing section and being a soft coc doesnt really mesh well


Its thugs birthday maybe you can grant him his cyberdate

HAHa dumped

@sean g

Maybe you just forgot about it but you definitly said something " slant " too bad i dont have a screenshot but if you can backtrack it on facebook you will see that you definitly said something slant..... Im even asking you there why you havent accepted my friend request.... Maybe you forgot

about it too....


Kenny attack kiz attack kiz all the time for no reason

@ sean g

I hate liars too ......and i really can remmember you said that too bad im block on that facebook page .... Keep lying you never said that there will be war bwahahaha


Look at sean g manipulating you on picking a side sean g has double standards

@sean g

you are paranoid you know that? didnt it occur to you that i really wanted to be friends on facebook with no malice at all? i mean if i wanted to get a picture of you i can without you approving my friend request and to think vino told me you really was a nice guy .... well maybe he lied to me huh

and i have more brain memory cells than you because im younger didnt it occur to you that you having less memory cells in the brain makes you forget what you said to me?


this is kenny attacking kiz


dont buy that PACMAN is really a pacquiao fan.... he is a flomo in disguise..

@sean g

Lolz " icounter punch '" .... Well you are good at ducking too just like floyd lolz i know you saw that question where i mention your name as to why you aint celebrating mayweathers 40 hour com service ... You paranoid and has double standards


funny too that you aint calling me nipples huh .... playing the good guy are we? lolz you aint foolin anybody


maybe because i didnt answer that question

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