opppsss???!! ullkk?? wake up boy!!
just where were u when ur "namesake's" around on 13th Nov? Pac-Marg bout?
just where were u when Serg's completely shut-out one elite fighter in awesome fashion?
where were u when JMM did it again, that's incredible, huh?
just where were u when Khan survives Maidana, excitingly?
man, u seem to be outdated!! move on, man and dont fix urself on that Floyd-stuff believing on and on...
u might get "flipped" the same, be sued around, collects more police tickets, rent cases, batters women, etc. etc.
u have a life to move on, dont get stucked-up with Floyd where he is at this point in time! and hey, he's rich and millionnaire, and IM PRETTY SURE UR NOT !! - i am positive at my guess...
yaaiikkkss!! get urself updated man!! ur at the last pack OR NOT EVEN, get on with the lead !!
wait a minute, have u just woke up? it's 2010 and tomorrow's 2011 - and Boxing's at its peak, son!!
are u with me? "we dont live with Floyd Mayweather Jr alone" definitely and positively when u say - "BOXING" at its best!! it's alive and kicking, son!!
jj kepweng jeddah...