My mom remarked last Monday night( 6/6) at dinner that her late husband , who was biracial, (grew up and lived in Louisville's West End California 'hood ) who was drafted and sent to Vietnam. My mom insisted that despite his illness, he go see a barber in his old California 'hood. The exposure of Agent Orange made him disabled and die of Parkinson Disease, Alzheimer's and a host of other complications.
Mom said, It seem not fair, that he, her husband, should die younger at age 64, of Parkinson Disease, while Ali lived for about 10 more years than her husband did.Mom said and I agreed, the Muhammad Ali , in his last public photos, looked exactly like her husband during the last two years of his life.
My mom's love of her life, died a little over two years ago.
Note; Evey time I drive on either I-265 West or I-265 East, I am reminded of the times when my late step father would go 100+ mph in his Red Corvette while the rest of us mere mortals would go only 60 mph. And at one time he did it in a GEO Storm we were going a road testing one day.The dude never was cited either.