All might pose threat to Floyd just way back in their prime and i admit it would have made Floyd greater had he beaten them all in their prime best. Let me have the break down of the why's
vs NAseem = FLoyd was beaten by Augie Sanchez in the amateurs but Naseem knocked this guy out in the pro.
vs. Casamayor = El Cepilyo had a more compelling fight vs Castillo than Floyd had in his 1st bout against JLC
vs Tszyu = This one's an exception. i cant see the slow moving Tszyu winning against Floyd
vs Cotto =The old and washed Cotto managed to hit Floyd. Probably, the prime Cotto can do more
Vs Mosley = Same as above
Vs PAul Williams = this should be the most compelling and the hardest to beat for FMJ. Prime for prime, FLoyd's rec is in jeopardy. Just too tall, too lanky and the reach is just immense for Floyd to overcome. Paul's jab will be a key factor.
vs. Margarito = Margo does have problems against speedy fighters, and we've seen what happened in the Mosley, Pacquiao fight. But, does Floyd have enough power to stop the bulldozing style of Margo. That's the question
vs PAcquiao = Apparently, this was the only bout that should have made sense for the business man Mayweather. Unlike the other aforementioned bouts, they just wont give Floyd fortune. The guy's already got fame, what else do they have to offer? Only the PAc bout had something. I mean, if boxing is business as it is really, then why dodge the richest bout ever?
Can it be agreed that floyd mayweather ducked the best fighters of his generation?
The terms "chicken", "duck", "gay" etc. were all thrown at Mayweather when Bob and Money May never come to terms for the Mega Bout, the MAyweather -PAcquiao fight. The possI believe Floyd had legit reasons for that but he'll never escape the conscious minds of fight fans all over the world. Guaranteed of 40 M $? Someone's gonna lace up his gloves for the purse and yes that includes the most dangerous fighters like Tyson, Liston, Foreman young or old.