Sonny Liston vs Mike Tyson. Who wins?
2006-08-10 10:02:02 UTC
1961 Sonny vs 1987 Tyson!
Fourteen answers:
2006-08-11 08:00:32 UTC
Liston KO round 12. His reach would be a factor and he wouldn't be intimidated by Tyson. Both fighters had the "Bully" mentality so it would come down to who could impose his will on the other and I think Liston was probably a little tougher mentally than Tyson.
2016-03-27 10:47:38 UTC
I love how there's been such a backlash against Tyson recently. The idea that was an invention of an overdriven hype machine, and anyone from a bygone era would have beaten him. Mike was at his well-honed best was a brutal precise fast quick-starter, with unbelievable power. Sonny did start late, and never got the kind of expert training Cus gave Mike, (and no I don't think it's necessary to cut down Sonny to build up Mike.) Sonny had power no doubt, but he was slower, less head movement (watch him vs. Big Cat Williams it's pretty much Dempsey Firpo early 60's style, i.e. a slugfest. Mike at his best was an expert at avoiding punches (though he could take them too.) I don't doubt either that Mike is to blame for the average length of his reign. Could he have stayed he have stayed in their longer if he was smarter? I think almost definitely. But in this instance I give it to Mike. Too elusive for Sonny, who, like a later Tyson when he wasn't steamrolling people did show a ticker problem. I say Mike KO or TKO 3-6 rounds. Just as a side bar here. I think the most interesting thing to see here would be a fight that went 8 rounds or more. What would these two Bully fast KO artists bring out in each other in the long haul?
2006-08-10 10:07:41 UTC
Although this question will be debated by many I have to say that Mike Tyson in his prime would've beaten Sonny Liston. Sonny Liston had alot of finesse and was one of boxing's greatest, but he lacked the power of a Mike Tyson and also the ferocity. The two are boxers from different time periods and graciousness still existed in boxing when Sonny Liston was in his prime
2006-08-10 10:06:43 UTC
The '87 Tyson definately would've beat Liston. The '90's Tyson would've lost to Liston.
2006-08-11 06:39:46 UTC
I go for Tyson but with Liston reach factor and his boxing skills. I think he would stand a very good chance, and he could bang. He wouldn't be afraid like alot of fighters who fought Tyson was in the mid eighties.
2006-08-10 10:11:41 UTC
I would say Tyson but not betting on it. Tyson was still starting if I am not mistaken so Liston may have taken him. Don't really remember when Tyson started though so I could be wrong on that.
El Teke
2006-08-10 12:10:38 UTC
Good one. It would be like two trains heading towards each other at full speed.

Round 1: They feel each other out for the first few seconds then Tyson throws a booming left hook to Liston's body. Liston counterpunches and lands a solid right to the top of Tyson's head. Tyson just smiles and Liston glares at him. Tyson gathers himself and begins to bombard Liston with straight rights and an occasional left hook. Liston manages to land a couple of hard jabs and counters with a vicious body attack. The bell rings.

Round 2: Liston begins to take control of the fight with his jab. Tyson is becoming more and more frustrated. In a flash, with a minute left in the round, he walks through a Liston jab and ducks, avoiding a Liston left hook and throws a brutal uppercut to Liston's chest and follows it with a vicious left hook to the body. Liston staggers back and Tyson pounces on him. Liston holds him off as the bell rings and the crowd is roaring.

Round 3: Leery of Tyson's quickness, Liston starts out with stiff jabs keeping Tyson at bay. Tyson lunges at Liston and loses his balance and Liston jumps on him. Tyson gathers himslef quickly and lands an insanely brutal uppercut that catches Liston's chin as he was lunging in. Liston crumples to the ground like a house of cards. He gets up at the count of 8. He tells the referee he's OK and the fight goes on. Tyson walks thru a Liston straight to his face and throws another brutal uppercut followed by a left hook to the body. Tyson lands another right to Liston's head as Liston is falling. The referee counts Liston out at 2:32 of the third round.
2006-08-11 21:41:23 UTC
Tyson - W 50 (KO's 43) TF 58 - W pct 86% - KO pct 74% - wins over Berbick, T. Biggs and Bruno - Ko'ed by Holyfied[2], Lewis and Douglas - #16 ranked puncher - #72 ranked fighter

Liston - W 50 (KO's 39) TF 54 - W pct 93% - KO pct 72% - wins over Patterson[2] Folley and Williams - KO'ed by Ali - #15 ranked puncher - #71 ranked fighter

This fight would go like the Frazier/Foreman fight. Liston would destroy Tyson.
2006-08-10 14:59:30 UTC
Tyson would bite Liston's ear off,
2006-08-10 11:44:56 UTC
liston by far tyson wasnt even good enuff in his prime
2006-08-10 17:39:43 UTC
mike tyson
2006-08-10 10:53:40 UTC
mr. sonny liston... no dout
2006-08-10 10:40:32 UTC
I like these what if bouts but this one is a yawner.....
winston m
2006-08-10 10:04:47 UTC
could be anyone's fight

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